
Business colleagues in conference meeting room during presentation

MANAGING CHAOS: Tools to Set Priorities & Get Things Done

Many people are coming to work early and staying late and still not getting done what others accomplish in much less time.  What are the secrets of people who get the right things done quickly?  This high-energy session teaches time saving habits to move you successfully through multiple demands and a never-ending workload.

Business Writing Tune-up

Learn the most current guidelines and up-to-date practices affecting business writing today to ensure that your business documents are correct, polished, and professional. This workshop shows you how to organize your thoughts to present ideas clearly and effectively—and teach you how to avoid common communication and grammatical errors that can sabotage your credibility. Plenty of hands-on exercises focus on improving and fine-tuning your writing skills. In addition, you bring your own writing samples to class and apply what you learn to your own writing.

It’s Not My Fault! Building an Accountable Team

Join us to learn what you can do differently to meet challenges and resolve conflicts in the workplace, take charge of the situations you find yourself in, and stop being a victim of your circumstances.  You’ll learn powerful techniques to improve your relationships, move toward your goals, and be more successful at work. In this workshop you’ll learn:

  • What it means to be accountable
  • Benefits of being accountable
  • How to recognize the victim cycle—and not get stuck in it
  • Your current patterns of dealing with difficult situations
  • More productive ways to deal with people problems and breakdowns in results

MEETINGS OVER EASY—How to Have Better, Shorter, More Productive Meetings

Don’t tolerate another mismanaged, tedious, or off-track meeting! This class, based on the book of the same name, teaches the skills that all facilitators (and attendees) need to accomplish a group’s goals including:

  • Focusing the group on task
  • Learning foolproof tips to rein in people who go off on tangents or speak too long
  • Creating easily implementable structures that improve meeting productivity and get things done
  • Understanding communication and personality styles and how groups work together to accomplish the task
  • Learning what you and others do that sabotage meeting productivity and keep you stuck in too-long meetings

Having the Difficult Conversations

The majority of people who fail in a job do so because they can’t work well with other people, not because of a lack of technical ability. This eye-opening workshop lowers stress and tension in the workplace as it helps people see where they may have fallen short in past difficult conversations and provides the skills and mindsets—as they work with their own specific examples—to have more successful conversations and better outcomes in the future.

Strategic Presentation Skills

Attendees will increase understanding and buy-in in their informal and formal presentations by learning the tools of structure, delivery, and facilitation. Attendees receive professional feedback and coaching on their presentations, increasing their presentation power immediately. The workshop focuses on expanding credibility, persuading people to take action, and getting results!

Motivating and Engaging Employees

Topics covered include:

  • What do people REALLY find motivating?
  • Understanding retention and the cost of turn-over
  • Practical ways to implement the leading employee motivators
  • Coaching and giving feedback to employees
  • Keeping your top performers: Challenging and growing your best and brightest

This class is powerful. People go away with practical strategies to keep team members challenged, inspired, and thriving.

Business Communication Strategies

It is not enough to be technically strong. Attendees learn how to organize their thoughts and present their ideas clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. This program teaches effective communication strategies that are necessary for professional success and advancement. (It is especially powerful for engineering, science, and technology folks.)

Coaching Job Skills

This practical workshop is a Train-the-Trainer for people who coach others on job skills one-on-one rather than teaching in a classroom setting. It presents a step-by-step blueprint to assist your subject matter experts in effectively sharing information. Attendees go away with an easy-to-follow format they can use whenever they need to teach a co-worker a process, task, or skill.

Creating a Powerful Goal Setting Machine!

Having relevant goals that align with organizational strategy—and knowing how to achieve them—is key to an organization’s success. This workshop covers topics such as aligning team and individual goals with organizational goals, translating company strategy into daily work, setting specific and measurable goals, identifying goal achievement obstacles and creating a plan of how to overcome them, focusing on results not activities, and breaking goals down into manageable tasks and measurable action steps.

Managing the Performance Appraisal Process

Learn how to prepare for and facilitate performance appraisal meetings, identify effective performance goals, coach your employees to improve job performance, and create excellent manager-employee communication and feedback year-round, not just at appraisal time.

Coaching Employees to Create Peak Performance

A main determinant of how well employees perform is their manager.  Learn the important skills of how to coach your employees to enhance performance, improve job satisfaction, and encourage professional growth.


Many people who are subject matter experts may not be experts in the multitude of skills that go into effectively disseminating information and facilitating classes. To increase the learning and satisfaction of their trainees, it is imperative that all employees who train others learn the skills taught in this class.

Skills for the Successful Support Person

This class focuses on the variety of skills that make a support person productive and successful.  Topics covered include forming a partnership with one’s manager; clarifying job responsibilities; identifying one’s professional image; developing the core competencies of accountability, skill in handling obstacles, and commitment to results; and understanding and working effectively with different personalities and styles.

Sexual Harassment Prevention

The Supreme Court has made it clear that to avoid liability employers need to have a strong policy against sexual harassment and that all employees—from entry level to senior executives—need to be trained on that policy. Talk to Jan about SHP training that complies with SB 1343. Click here for more details.